Friday, May 21, 2010

What's Up

Sorry for the slacking Bury Your Bike 3 wore me out. But, it was a blast and a half. Total tally and were gonna give a + or - on most of these numbers cause I'll be honest we were wasted but here goes the best bet: 12 Bands, 8 Kegs, 144 Magic Hats, 1 Pallet drome, hundreds of Natural light, and Red Bull, and whetever else you crazy kids brought, oh yeah 100 crazy kids, and on and on ...

Thank you so much everyone for comin down and chillin at the new space, dancin your asses off, and having a good ol fashion badass time. Hopefully we will have the shop in full swing soon with some real hours and some good shows.

-Keep it Wheel

1 comment:

Tim Little said...

I'm not sure if I completely understand all of the comments but I do know that dual suspension mountain bikes and disc brakes can be purchased online at a fraction of bike shop costs